Modbus Registers
Below is a list of available MODBUS registers. The same register numbers are also used by the MIOS-2 protocol.
Modbus Read / Write (0x17) Function
METEL IO modules have implemented the MODBUS function (0x17) Read/Write of Multiple registers. Typically it is required to have two separate requests (and responses) for:
1. Writing of outputs via MODBUS function (0x16) Writing Multiple Registers
2. Reading of inputs via MODBUS function (0x03) Read Holding Registers
This requires a total of 4 frames to be sent over MODBUS. If using 0x17 function only one request is needed for the reading and writing of outputs. This requires a total of 2 frames to be sent over MODBUS.
Default Settings of Communication
Baudrate: 115 200
Parity: None
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1