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SMS_TX/SMS_RX blocks are used for communication between the program and the user through the GSM network. It use SMS messages to transmit and receive information.


Receive SMS messages.

SMS RX.png

Asynchronous interface
out VALID bool indicates success operation and valid output
out FROM string source phone number
out TEXT string SMS content


Sends SMS messages.

SMS TX.png

Asynchronous interface
in SEND bool r_edge rising edge starts new operation
in NUMBER string destination phone number
in TEXT string SMS content

Block behavior:

SMS_RX - If a new incoming SMS is detected, a short pulse appears on the VALID output, the FROM and TEXT outputs are filled according to the SMS content.

SMS_TX - If a rising edge is detected at the SEND input, an SMS message is sent to the phone number from NUMBER input and the text contains the text from the TEXT input.

Valid Mobile Phone Number in International Format

The Number input is in STRING format, so the phone number is entered in single quotes.

Example for Czech Republic: '00420731523929'



Closing the bus0_001_re1 relay provided the SMS text is ON and has been received from Phone_Number.

SMS RX Example.png


Closing the tamper sends an SMS in the form "Door open" to the phone number Phone_Number.

SMS TX Example.png

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