Users Passwords

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Permission or access rights can be specified between users and groups of users. This permission controls the ability of the users to view, change, navigate, and execute the contents of the file system.

Default Access Details

The IPLOG unit use the same access details (Username and Password) for the WEB and SSH (BASH) as well.

Username: root

Password: ...... Clean, the default is without password!


For remote connection IPLOG-GAMA supports SSH protocol or a local connection is possible via USB console.

Change Password

The root user has permission to create a new user, grant permission or change a password.

1. Login

Login as root user.

login as: root

2. Password Command

Type the command passwd to change the password of the current user or passwd metel (user metel) for a different one, then write a new password after the characters New password:.

root@iplog:~# passwd
Changing password for root
New password:

Tip: The password should be a minimum of 8-12 characters long including special characters, digits, lower case alphabetic and more.

3. Retype the New Password

Retype password:

4. Notification

Notification from Linux, that password was changed successfully.

passwd: password for root changed by root

Create a New User

If you are signed in as the root user, you can create a new user without permission limitations.

1. Login

Login as root user.

login as: root

2. New User Command

The adduser command allows the addition of a new user to the system. After adduser characters write the new user name (gama-example).

root@iplog:~# adduser gama

3. New User Password

Write the password for the new user account.

Changing password for gama
New password:

4. Retype the New Password

Retype password:

5. Notification

Notification from Linux, that the password was changed successfully.

passwd: password for gama changed by root

The adduser command created a user, a group, and a home directory for your user. Your new user is now ready for use! You can now log in using the password you set up.

Reset User Password

The User password is possible to change via root account. Change password as root.

Reset Root Password

Reseting the password for root account is possible only in the Recovery mode. Mount the userfs files from the common firmware image and delete the root password there.

1. Recovery

How to Get to Recovery Mode

2. Mount Userfs

Open the SSH connection via Putty, use the default IP address and login for root user.

Type the following commands:

1. root@iplog-recovery:~# ubiattach -p /dev/mtd8
2. root@iplog-recovery:~# mount -t ubifs ubi1:userfs /mnt/userfs

Output Example:

root@iplog-recovery:~# ubiattach -p /dev/mtd8
UBI device number 1, total 1020 LEBs (129515520 bytes, 123.5 MiB), available 152 LEBs (19300352 bytes, 18.4 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB)
root@iplog-recovery:~# mount -t ubifs ubi1:userfs /mnt/userfs

3. Delete Encrypted Password

Open the common image file /etc/shadow using text editor Vim.

root@iplog-recovery:~# vi /mnt/userfs/etc/shadow

Edit the line for root user as seen below.


Text editing - Hit the i (insert mode).
Save and Exit - Write characters :wq (write and quit). The cursor will move to the bottom of the screen whenever a colon (:) is typed. This type of command is completed by hitting the Enter key.

4. Device Reboot

The device reboot is needed to close the recovery mode and run the common image.

root@iplog-recovery:~# reboot

List of Users

A file /etc/shadow/ contains all created permision.

root@iplog:~# cat /etc/shadow

Example of Default user list.

root@iplog:~# cat /etc/shadow